Assignment 3 Iteration and Changes
I think, and play testers agree, that the game need more movement and more reasons to move. As such I want to implement a dive kick air attack. Talking with my group mates a lot of ideas were thrown around, ranged attacks, magic spells, heavy attacks, etc. I think if just the dive kick is implemented it will immediately shift the focus of the game to movement, avoiding the dive kick while on the ground, avoiding the air attack with attempting to line up a dive kick and avoiding the ground attack after missing a dive kick. I also think the block should simply be removed entirely. it could be fixed with careful balancing but even fixed it wont be as fun as interacting with the weapon clash mechanic and it slows the game down where I want the game to be faster.
It is most likely we wont have the time to work on these changes before end of semester but would be happy to continue to develop the title after this unit is complete.
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