Merciful Space: Development 1


Behold 10,000 hours in msPaint

A new game begins, I spoke about it in the post mortem for my last game and I am happy to say that the first step of this game was to create my own assets. Pictured above are the two enemy bugs I designed, I think their kinda cute, and I already have ideas on how they might act differently and challenge the player. But before we can get to that lets sort out the most fundamental parts of our development. 

First thing first, movement. This isn't our first rodeo so... 

WASD, the best controls

Now we can move and that screen limiter stops us from flying off screen and getting lost. So lets spice things up with a little bit of shooting.


And I am on fire, this feels good. Kicking goals. We can fly about the screen and shoot, Iv even gone the extra step of shooting actually doing something by deleting the bugs my bullets hit and adding to a score variable.

Next post, lets start looking at gameplay. 



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