Merciful Space: Development 2


Looks at that exciting gameplay

As you can see from the screen shot this is a playable game, a lot faster than the first dev cycle. In fact I'm not sure I could say the last game I was working on ever got to this point. 

Some simple code got a score counter in the top right and I just set the bugs to move down the screen and get a little faster as they go so there is some ramping difficulty. 

bit of a bodge job

This is how iv set the bugs to spawn, I just have about 200 (couldn't get them all in a screenshot) of them go set up and spawned in at the start of the game. Very lazy but it works. Also all those lines and fields at the bottom are limiters for player movement and bullets. I think the game could be really improved from here by a way of spawning in enemy's procedurally or something, so lets have a go at that. 

Very important red box

Using the same tech for respawning I figured out in my last game I now have a red box that can spawn bugs, I also used the code from the pink guy in the last game to bounce the box left and right between the limiter lines. That means I can hand bugs randomly spawning in anywhere at the top, maybe put it on a timer. 


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