Assignment 2: Submission


Smash hit game of the year

In my last blog post I talked about how I would be designing a Sell Sheet and a Design Page for Actual Driving. Well, here it is, Above is my Sell sheet, It went through a few iterations but hasnt strayed so far from my first attempt.
(first attempt at a Sell Sheet)

Mostly my feedback on the first attempt was that nobody could tell it was a video game due to the art style, hence why I added box art and a catchy "Wishlist now on steam" to the final product. Over all I'm proud of what I achieved with this though. I think it captures the energy and if I saw this as a poster at EB games Id definitely want to check it out. 

As for the Design Page
Among other issues, text size makes it a bit hard to read

I wasn't sure what to do with the design page to be honest, When speaking to my tutors and looking at examples everything seemed to centre around 2D or 3RD Person games where you can see your character standing in the world or level. My game is 1ST Person and I believe I am the only person doing this assignment with a 1ST Person game. So sadly I think my Design Page is a bit lacking. Its too heavy on text and the images really fail to convey the mechanics.

That being said I'm still hopeful for a good mark here and I'll make a post for my feedback when I receive it.  


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