Exploring Gdevelop: Part 3, Shifting Gears


Ok, so E1M1, that was fun. DOOM is very cool and i'm very proud of what I managed to accomplish with my first game. However the gun doesn't work the way I want it to work which is a problem I have already spent way to long trying to figure out. And my efforts to implement jumping caused me to fall through the floor forever which seems like its a bit over my head to bug fix while I am still learning how to use the software. So this is where I decide to pivot, lets take everything that works and everything I have learnt so far and lets see if we can do something with that, something that isn't riddled with bugs and something that plays as expected. 

So what do I have?
Well I have my 3D environment, that works, and collision is implemented so the walls are real walls. The movement and mouse look work great despite the fact that I cant jump and while I can look up I can only interact with a flat horizontal plane. 

So why not replace the gun in the middle of the screen with a car windshield?

We got a racing game baby

WASD movement, change A and D from strafe to turn. Put some car sound effects in at the start and build a little race track and this is actually something fun to play. Its not really a game at this point, I need to add in some more details for sure. Maybe collectables, a lap timer, I could have the car break if you crash it. But if I did sit down and add more to it this could really be something worth spending some time playing and right now its bug free and works just how I expect it to work. 

Its all very exciting but this is where my unguided exploration of Gdevelop ends and I start on my class work for uni. 


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